Peaceful Sleep Meditation




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Sleep is like medicine for the body, mind and spirit. It is important for our wellness. This wonderful meditation helps us to surround ourselves with positive energy. Also, to adjust the vibration of our energy field which can connect us with relaxing peaceful vibrations. This meditation was created to help release stressful thoughts and release stressful situations and prepare our body, mind and spirit for a rejuvenating restful sleep time. This sleep meditation helps facilitate a mindful wellness practice to gently drift into more peaceful restful sleep time. Billie Topa Tate shares her wisdom and sleep techniques to teach our mind, body and spirit to wisely navigate our energy and dream time. Use at bedtime or when having difficulty returning back to sleep.

Creation Story:

Our Apache stories reveal the realm of sleep to be an opportunity for resting, restoring and also exercising the mindful power of adjusting our energy field for the purpose of positioning ourselves into good and empowering vibrations for sleep.  Billie Topa Tate designed this meditation to utilizes these wonderful indigenous practices to promote good sleep time.  She has used these techniques for her own personal sleep and has created this meditation to help her clients, family and friends


Billie Topa Tate provides sleep techniques and methods to help the mind let go of the day.   Thus providing a good quality sleep time to  refresh the body, mind and spirit.  Learn how to adjust your energy field to position yourself into a peaceful place for sleep time.  Learn how to release stressful thoughts and teach the mind to move into sleep time as well as building a mindful practice for good sleep.

duration of meditation 20:48


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