Tag: 6th sense
How To Sharpen Your Sixth Sense | Third Eye Chakra
You see the physical world through your eyes and you also have the ability to see the spiritual world through your third eye, chakra. The third eye symbolizes an enlightened state of consciousness through which one can perceive the world.
It also helps us see clearly, both physically and psychically. It supports imagination, awareness of the subtle/energetic world, intuitive knowing, and inner vision. When you see something “with your mind’s eye,” you are seeing it with the Ajna chakra.
What is the Sixth-Chakra?
Sixth-chakra intuition and wisdom are universal and transcendent in nature. The 6th chakra, when highly developed, elevates consciousness and confers deep spiritual insight and awareness. Perception of non-ordinary reality may accompany this.
The third eye chakra is a main point for external life energy (prana, chi) to enter and be distributed to the other chakras. It is also a key to ongoing spiritual development. Thus, keeping it as clear and balanced as possible is very important.
How to use your third eye:
If you don’t get enough source energy it will be quite hard for your to open your third eye. You can get an abundance of universal energy by meditating. When you meditate you get universal energy through your crown chakra into your whole body. Click here to experience the Loving Kindness Meditation for free.
Cultivating your 6th chakra can help you:
- think more clearly
- have “vision”
- develop your imagination
- grasp the big picture
- expand your consciousness and influence to non-ordinary planes
- develop greater spiritual awareness and prepare for the next level of spiritual evolution.
Color of the Third Eye:
The third eye chakra is associated with the color indigo. Simply lighting this color of candle and relaxing while focusing on this chakra can bring it into balance. Also wearing indigo colored clothing or surrounding yourself with this color of flower can bring harmony within the chakra.
When you concentrate on your third eye area, you’ll start feeling a tingling sensation or a slight pressure/vibration in that area. This always means that the third eye chakra is awakening, no matter how small pressure/vibration you’re experiencing.
Positive Affirmation while Focusing on the 3rd Eye:
I can see and think clearly, I see that all is well in my world. I see of the solutions to situations in my life and make positive changes now! I am the creator of my reality and my dreams are coming true. I am one with the vibration of the Infinite potential of the Universe.
Third Eye Chakra Affirmations:
I am in touch with my inner guidance.
I listen to my deepest wisdom.
I seek to understand and to learn from my life experiences.
I am wise, intuitive, and connected with my inner guide.
I nurture my spirit.
I listen to the wisdom of elders.
I trust my intuition.
I forgive the past and learn what was there for me to learn.
I forgive myself.
I love and accept myself.
I know that all is well in my world.
I am connected with the wisdom of the universe.
I am open to inspiration and bliss.
My life moves effortlessly.
I am at peace.
I am the source of my truth and my love.