How To Help A Loved One During Transition

The loving healing energy of the Reiki Symbols has assisted in the healing process of the mind body spirit for years. Reiki Phowa teachings are a beautiful use of the Reiki Principals and Symbols to assist others in the process of transitioning from this physical lifetime. As Reiki Symbols bring peace and serenity to the spirit, a Reiki Phowa session is used to assist someone in the process of their transitioning or someone who has already transitioned. Reiki Phowa will assist in elevating the essence of one’s spirit allowing for the process of transitioning to be an experience which is lovingly peaceful with less resistance.

When you touch someone’s life – it is a privilege.
When you touch someone’s heart – it is a blessing.
When you touch someone’s mind – it is an honor.
When you touch someone’s soul – it is a triumph.
When you touch someone’s spirit – it is a miracle.
Dr Jeff Mullan

Next Reiki Phowa Course In Illinois:

Reiki Phowa taught by Chuck Killman opens opportunities to assist in one of the most sacred processes we as human beings experience.  These teachings are offered in a one day training on February 27 Saturday 10am -3pm.

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The 4 types of situations where Reiki Phowa can assist are:

  • Someone currently undergoing the physical death process
  • Someone who has physically transitioned (regardless of passage of time)
  • Someone who has asked for help in preparing before the time of death
  • Someone who experienced the death process in an accident or abrupt event

It is an Honor to share the journey in the sacred process of transitioning.  Reiki Phowa teachings assist in supporting our human spirit through a transition or event in life that can be stressful, although is one of the most sacred.

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