Free Gift – Happy Full moon and Lunar Eclipse
Happy full moon and happy lunar eclipse dear friends…
Lunar eclipse are internal changes and solar eclipses are external changes. This full moon lunar eclipse has the contemplation of ..”what is the identity of the world.” but also as above so below, we will be looking at an introspective focus of our own identity or rather what we want to represent as our greatest joy. So as we progress into the full moon and a lunar eclipse it is important to stay on target with our wonderful energetic practices of meditation, mantra and sticking to our wonderful virtues because this is what’s going to allow for a wonderful conversion of virtues by the end of the year. Be kind to yourself and gently nurture and guide your gifts to bring the qualities of good health, wisdom, truth and all the other virtues into our lives this helps develop those qualities in others.
– Billie Topa Tate and Monique Little Doll