Happy New Moon Message from Billie Topa Tate
Happy New Moon …
This wonderful New Moon will last up to 4 weeks. The end of one cycle (which was quite interesting) and the beginning of a powerful new cycle. This month provides an infusion of energy and a new fresh start which can help anyone launch an important part of their dreams.
The heavens provide an avenue of wonderful energy. The best possible way to prepare for the New Moon (Friday April 5th) is to concentrate on our energy toward new wisdom filled thoughts and timeless ancient traditions. Wonderful examples are meditation, clearing our energy field and strategizing on what we want to represent to the world and our journey.
How to take advantage of this wonderful New Moon. We have the chance to make important changes in our lives.
- Make some solid yet realistic plans.
- Set the stage for reaping the rewards from our new beginnings, as little or big as they may be.
We are in a rare astrological window when none of the major planets/bodies are retrograde! Things may very well swim along after this check-in with reality.
Wakan Tankan Nici Un
May The Great Spirit Walk With You
Billie Topa Tate- Founder
Mescalero Apache
msi-healing.com 847.866.0505
Free New Moon Community Meditation
Join Billie Topa Tate this Friday for a special FREE NEW MOON community meditation at 6:30pm. Our Evanston Wellness and Meditation Center offers a free group guided meditation for peace, mindfulness and relaxation. You are welcome to drop in as no registration is required and all of the supplies are provided. We begin with gentle breathing techniques followed by short Native American drumming into the guided meditation. MSI Wellness Center with Billie Topa Tate 2144 Ashland, Suite 1 Evanston, Illinois 847-866-0505. Click HERE for details on the free community meditation at MSI Wellness Center and enjoy the free online Loving Kindness Meditation from any where in the world.
Billie Topa Tate is a traditional Native American healer and teacher of Mescalero Apache descent, trained and educated by numerous family Elders and extended family members. She is a Reiki Master Teacher Eighth Degree and licensed Therapeutic Massage Therapist. Billie is an approved provider of continuing education and meditation programs for; Meditation Teachers, Massage Therapists and Illinois Nurses. Billie Topa Tate has written and lectured extensively for more than 18 years. She is internationally recognized as a respected teacher, healer and advocate of Earth Friendly endeavors. Billie maintains a successful practice at her MSI center in Evanston, and with the expressed permission from her Native culture, Billie shares many of the ancestral principles, healing systems and native wisdoms with her students and clients.