Free Class from Billie Topa Tate
Friday March 29, 2013 – Friday March 29, 2013
2153 Ashland
Billie Topa Tate’s Birthday Celebration is March 29th Friday. Billie Topa Tate is gifting you a wonderful and special class to connect with your totem spirit guides on her Birthday – March 29th Friday. Loving Kindness Meditation 6:30pm followed by Special Class. This class gift is Billie’s way of saying thank you so much for your support and love. Please join us for a dutch style dinner at our usual restaurant after the free class and meditation to enjoy birthday cake.
NEW GLOBAL PROJECT ( 60th Birthday Gift) – Billie is asking for a Loving Money Donation to purchase video equipment, new software for video editing, digital storage equipment to name a few. This will allow for you to watch free lectures, classes from the comfort of your own home, download meditations and our world wide broadcast stream.
“Creating a Sacred Space one person at a time” around the world – our world truly needs more positive energy. Please contact us for details on how you can support the New Global Project. We hope you can join us to celebrate on the 29th.