Billie Topa Tate’s Radio Interview
Billie Topa Tate was radio interviewed by Melissa and Austin from the station US99 during their morning feel good vibes show. Topa Tate shared her Mescalero Apache traditions, insights on October’s Full moon, developing good habits and so much more!
About The Billie Topa Tate:
Billie Topa Tate’ is the founder of MSI Healing INC an earth friendly educational institute located in Evanston, Illinois. Billie is Mescalero Apache and is dedicated to presenting the sacred principles, doctrines, and teachings of her Native Culture and many ancient wisdom systems from around the world, creating synthesis through harmony of many lineages. She is dedicated to be of service to anyone who is seeking wellness, spiritual growth, mindfulness and training to build on current healing practices. She has been offering services for over 25 years in the North Shore Evanston Community. Click HERE to learn more about private session.