International Day of Peace | Messengers of Peace

Day of PeaceThe International Day of Peace, sometimes unofficially known as World Peace Day, is observed annually on September 21. It is dedicated to world peace, and specifically the absence of war and violence.

On Monday, September 21st, join us in our effort to become Messengers of Peace.  Peace is an inner feeling of well being to be shared globally and locally.

How can I be a Messenger of Peace?

  • Meditate.  Make each moment a representation of peace within and send peace to all around the world.  Begin your morning by connecting with the breath.
  • Take ten minutes to have an expansive breath and picture a place that you feel happy, calm and quite.  A great way to connect with your breath is by following a guided meditation such as the Timelessness Meditation.
  • Share smiles throughout your day.  – Smile, it makes us giggle and it makes us rejoice in the little moments we share together.
  • Global Sunset Meditation.  Click here  at sunset on September 21, where-ever you are around the world to experience peace peace and perfect peace and the opportunity to share that with your loved ones.  This 27 minute guided meditation is easy to follow, promotes relaxation and blessings to all.

Secretary-General’s Countdown Message

Every year on the International Day of Peace, the United Nations calls on the people of the world to reaffirm their commitment to living in harmony as members of a single human family.

This year’s commemoration, “Partnerships for Peace — Dignity for All”, highlights the importance of cooperation in silencing the guns and advancing the cause. Without the support of governments, civil society, the private sector, faith-based groups and non-governmental organizations, peace will remain elusive.

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the United Nations as well as a transition to a new global sustainable development agenda and meaningful action on climate change.

Over the next couple of days, let us stand with the millions of people across the world who are suffering the devastating impact of violence and conflict. Let us share ideas and plans for helping and supporting them in their time of dire need.

Together, as “partners for peace”, we can achieve a world of peace, prosperity and dignity for all.

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