Would you like to become a Meditation Teacher?

Our Meditation Teacher Certification program is an exciting new home study program combined with 5 “one on one” sessions with Billie Topa Tate.    The one on one sessions can be done over the phone or in person as this training is available world wide to all those seeking to step into this wonderful teacher training.

Enjoy a video from Billie Topa Tate, Founder of MSI Healing INC and Mescalero Apache on our Meditation Teaching Program:

If everyone in the world meditated, the world would be a different and wonderful place.   This certification can be combined with yoga, and other healing platforms to promote a much needed practice for the general public.    The course will assist you in working with group meditations, stimulating new communities, promoting your work and also provide a constant stream of income by teaching private students and classroom students the practice of meditation.

We would love to certify you to step into this wonderful career of teaching meditation.

By the end of the Meditation Certification Program you will learn:

  • Practical Values of Meditation
  • Various Techniques of Meditation
  • The Three Basic Stages
  • Meditation and Our Life’s Journey Principles
  • Strategy and Meditation Tools
  • Universal Concepts for Meditation
  • The “Do’s and Don’ts” of facilitating a Meditation group
  • Advanced Meditation Course and Teacher Lessons
  • Working with Students in a group setting
  • Methods of Spiritual Enfoldment
  • Discussion and instruction for your students
  • Short breath models for meditation instruction for group settings mantra or sound meditation
  • Steps to Launching your Meditation Teaching Platform
  • Marketing and Promotional to help reach your students and general public.
  • Roles and Responsibilities of a Meditation Teacher
  • And much more

The last month of the Program includes intern and fieldwork experience to help achieve confidence with group meditation endeavors.

Taken in Sedona Arizona at a Medicine Wheel CeremonyYour Instructor:  One of the important aspects of receiving your Meditation Teacher Certification is …. “who certifies you?” Billie Topa Tate has a long history of teaching and service to the community and has a long standing teaching reputation with the general public. Your certification would help you connect with many people who have heard of her work as a Native American Teacher.

Billie has provided services for Rush Hospital, Northwestern University (teaching medical students, indigenous wellness, as well as, sacred breath, Reiki training and short burst meditations ) as well as The Cancer Center of American. This professional standing with the medical community combined with her field work and expertise further enhances the value of your Teacher Training. She is the developer of Oncology Reiki, The Reiki Phowa, Loving Kindness Meditation and so many other training courses. People also find it exciting to connect with Native Teachers who can add value to their training principles. After your certification, you will receive a beautiful certificate which you can display for your students to view as well as utilizing our Center and Billie Topa Tate as your resource and professional support.

When I miss meditation for one day, I notice, when I miss meditation for two days, my teacher notices, when I miss meditation for 3 days, the world notices.


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