Morning Native Drumming Sacred Intention with Billie Topa Tate
Native Americans were taught that our consciousness was a gift from the Creator which can manifest energy for our future, present and past, as well as, channel energy even to create harmonious pathways when we travel the desert and created sacred spaces, also transformed regions.
Simple Steps to Creating a Sacred Intention…
- Sanction a quiet moment – Take time to sanction a quiet time for you to totally focus on your expressed desire ( sacred intention ), this could be 5- 10 minutes or as long a 30 minr depending upon the depth of the sacred intention.
- Create a mindful wisdom filled expressed desire – option to write down your sacred intention. This step is about either writing down your sacred intention or formulated your thoughts, images and emotions about what you are asking for.
- Expression of divine love – Think of a time when wonderful friend, teacher or even a loving companion animal has touched your life and has spent precious time with you. During these thoughts, images and feelings, experience divine love.
7-14 After Life of Companion Animals Class with Billie Topa Tate
7-21 Mastery of Dreams Class with Billie Topa Tate
7-21 Practitioner of Light with Billie Topa Tate
2019 Special Invitation New Offerings
7-27 Chakra Cleaning Class with Chris Allaun
7-28 Native Angel Medicine Class Billie Topa Tate & Chris Allaun
8-4 Native Guide to the Spirit World with Billie Topa Tate
8-10 Introduction to EFT & Wellness Workshop with Steve Shields
8-11 Lost Teachings of Reiki with Billie Topa Tate
8-18 Energy Based Healing Training with Chris Allaun
8-25 Crystals for the Goddess – Stones for the Divine Feminine with Billie
9-8 Reiki Master Level I with Billie Topa Tate ( 9-8, 9-15)
9-14 Meditation Practitioner Training with Chris Allaun
9-22 Native Guide to Akashic Records with Billie Topa Tate
9-28 Native Guide to Balance and Wellness with Billie Topa Tate
9-29 Professional Platform Class with Chris Allaun
10-6 Reiki 123 Practitioner with Anna Zajler (10-6, 10-20, 11-3)
10-12 Intro to Past Life Regression with Steve Shields
10-13 The Shaman’s Reiki Class with Billie Topa Tate
10-19. Handmade Herbal Oils Workshop with Karen Clarke
10-26 Native Guide to Totems & Spirit Animals with Billie Topa Tate
11-10 The Shaman’s Daily Practices with Billie Topa Tate
11-17 Reiki Phowa for Companion Animals with Billie Topa Tate
11-24 Sound Healing Neck & Shoulders with Chris Allaun
12-7 Customer Appreciation Day – Free Community Event
12-8 Ayurvedic Head Massage Training with Billie Topa Tate
12-9 Reiki Phowa with Chuck Killman
12-14 Intro. to EFT & Wellness Workshop with Steve Shields
12-15 Sound Healing Spinal Flush Training with Chris Allaun
12-16 Chakra Cleaning Class with Chris Allaun
12-21 Winter Solstice Ceremony with Billie Topa Tate
12-29 Hand Reflexology Class with Chris Allaun