How to Relax with Facials | Guest Post
How does stress cause skin issues?
Stress can cause damage to your body, the way you eat, how you sleep, how you look. Stress can also cause you to make poor
decisions. For example, you may have a long day at work and when you get home have a glass of wine which your body process’ as sugar which triggers acne. Knowing what your coping skills are and how to treat your body is important to having healthy looking skin.

Why Making Time For Yourself Matters:
Putting yourself first is so important for your well being. When you carve time out for a relaxing facial you are telling yourself that you matter, you are important, that you value you. Which will help you to make better decisions when stress is at its peak. If you value yourself, you will think twice before grabbing a glass of wine.
Why facials are a great way to relax?
- Hand and foot treatments will help release tension from the day.
- Warm towels will relax muscle tensions in your face and décolleté area.
- Facials help you gain insight on stress relieving tips to incorporate into your lifestyle.
- Facials will change the way you view yourself by putting yourself first.
Amanda Peloquin is one of the leading experts in Esthetics for the Chicago land area. She has been a practicing Licensed Esthetician since 2001 and during that time has been contacted repeatedly for her expertise in skin care. She is now servicing clients at MSI Wellness and Healing Center.
As a gift to you, mention this blog and receive 35% off a custom facial. Text or call Amanda to book your appointment at (312) 933-2321