Self Care Energy Tools for COVID Protection by Billie Topa Tate – Mescalero Apache
Billie Topa Tate is providing some wonderful energy tools to assist all of us to use tools along side professional practices throughout our daily activities. Enjoy her video and share it with everyone who wishes to add some great energy tools to their daily schedule.
List of Services at MSI Wellness Center:
Zoom Office Visit With Billie Topa Tate | $95
Those seeking guidance on their spiritual journey, as well as mentorship for practitioners. People who are looking for alternative healing modalities to work in conjunction with western medicine will benefit from a personal visit with Billie Topa Tate.
Description: 1 hour energy session with Billie Topa Tate. May consist of a brief review on stress points the client is experiencing. Energy treatments may include Reiki, Oncology Reiki (if applicable), Energy clearing and balancing, Native clearing of the energy field, Reiki Cranial Fascia, which releases any stagnation within the nervous system and refreshes the cranial and spinal rhythm thus enhancing the immunity system and creating peacefulness within the mind and body.
Distant Healing Sessions | $95
Clients that would like assistance in self care or to support their loved ones.
Description: 1-hour Distant Healing Session consists of an energetic clearing of the energy field followed by an energetic report with all the categories Billie checks, such as the energetic field, chakras, meridians etc. All clients receive the report in full via email for review.
Services by Billie Topa Tate
Billie Topa Tate is Mescalero Apache ( Native American ) and is the founder of The MSI Wellness Center located in Evanston, Illinois. The Center was developed over 20 years ago to offer clients and students her expertise as a Native Teacher and Mentor. Billie also offers energy based treatments, such as Reiki, Native Energy sessions, and Cranial Sacral therapy.
Billie, also provides her students and clients with indigenous wisdom on stress management, general wellness, meditation, energy-based clearing and balancing techniques and for her advanced students, the development of their intuition and energetic self-care.
Billie has developed extensive wisdom filled classes and training for the general public. She also provides specialized training and lectures for Hospitals, such as Rush University Hospital. Billie has created training courses in Oncology at Specialized Hospitals, such as, The Cancer Treatment Center of America, Trauma Centers and has lectured for several years at Northwestern University to the Pre-medical division on Reiki and Indigenous wellness.
Billie has maintained her successful practice for over 20 years at MSI Wellness Center. She is an 8th Degree Reiki Master Teacher, a certified massage therapist, cranial sacral graduate, meditation teacher and Native Elder – Mescalero Apache. She has lectured and provides training for environmentally friendly efforts, meditation, yoga, and stress-related healing modalities. Postponed till May The Center also provides a wonderful free – open to the public meditation gathering every Friday from 6:30 pm – 8 pm.
Call for questions and details 847.866.0505. Appointments are offered Monday thru Friday 10:00am first apt. / 5:00pm final apt.
24 Hour Cancellation Policy. Should you need to change or reschedule your scheduled appointment, Billie Topa Tate has requested a 24 hour notice policy. If you call to reschedule or cancel your appointment under 24 hours notice you are subject to the full amount for each session.
Billie Topa Tate through her energy work and clairvoyance is providing me with significant relief of chronic and severe back pain and headaches. My daily pain is diminishing, and I felt so well after my last session that I felt like dancing. I highly recommend her sessions for anyone in need of stress and pain relief.