What is Reiki Phowa?
The Reiki Phowa is the gentle and loving way to provide assistance respective to helping a loved one in their physical death process.
Please enjoy this wonderful conversation between Billie Topa Tate and Reiki Phowa Teacher Chuck Killman, click below to watch.
What is Reiki Phowa
The Reiki Phowa combines the various Reiki sacred symbols, principles and energy, with the wonderful empowerments and philosophies of the Phowa.
A blend of the Mescalero Apache – Native American Principles of the Chakras, philosophies and deeper understandings of the death process. All this information has been restructured to be more applicable in a Universal platform, which is not bound by any religious constitution.
In this class you will learn…
What Is The Reiki Phowa
The Four Types of Situations (Steps for each situation)
Principles of The Sacred Journey of Death
Preliminary Mind Body Spirit – Mystical Self Care and Techniques
Learn more about the Reiki Phowa Training |