Category: Meditation
How To Strengthen Your Digestive Fire | The Solar Plexus Chakra
The Solar Plexus Chakra, located between the navel and solar plexus, is the core of your personality, your identity and of your ego. Your third chakra is linked to your stomach, abdomen, upper GI tract, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidney spleen, adrenal glands and the middle spine area behind your solar plexus.
The gift of this chakra is sensing your personal power, acting confident, responsible and reliable.
Chakra Challanege:
The energy of this chakra allows you to transform inertia into action and movement. It allows you to meet challenges and move forward in your life.
The main challenge for the third chakra is to use your personal power in a balanced manner. This chakra is related to the element of fire. It has a connection with the sun, heat, the energy of light, vital energy, all forms of power.
Solar Plexus Chakra Color:
The Solar Plexus chakra is most commonly represented with the color yellow. Since it’s associated with the element of fire, it is also sometimes depicted with the color yellowish red.
The Solar Plexus chakra is associated with the following psychological and behavioral functions:
- Expression of the will
- The “accounting mind” that categorizes and counts everything
- Personal power
- Establishing ideas and plans into reality
5 “I am statements” to clear the Solar the Plexus Chakra:
- I am willing to release all my fears and struggles that have to do with power and control.
- I am free.
- I am peaceful with all the little things in life.
- I am fulfilled.
- I am balanced in all changes of cycles.
3 ways to heal or open the Solar Plexus Chakra:
Healing From The Color Yellow To Open the Third Chakra: “Yellow is the color of the third chakra” It is recommended to wear yellow and keep your surrounding yellow so as to help you heal or open the blocked solar plexus chakra or the blocked Manipura.
Simple Breathing Exercises and Meditations for Opening the Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura Chakra: Meditation is the most effective way to open the blocked solar plexus. You need to close your eyes and imagine a yellow colored flower opening in the naval. You can also imagine a yellow burning flame or a glowing ball while meditating. A simple breathing exercise while meditating would help you have a strong effect in the opening of the blocked solar plexus chakra.
Your Intention Makes The Difference: While working towards the opening of the energy centers, you must have a strong and powerful intentions to heal for betterment. Before proceeding towards the steps for opening the chakra, you must at first set your intention to grow your self esteem, self confidence and get closer to your core self.
What does the Wesak Full Moon Mean?
The Wesak full moon is considered the most powerful full moon of the year. When doing mediation on the Wesak a down pouring of healing energy is given to all those whom are seeking it. It’s allows for one to have contentment, peace and joy. Using this divine healing energy that is cultivated in one’s body and spirit all that can be sent to healing Mother Earth. Wesak is celebrated to commemorate the birth, enlightenment and death of Lord Buddha because according to Buddhists, all the three events took place on the same lunar date.
How does Karma play a positive role in this Wesak Meditation?
While the down pouring of healing energy flows through you at this time you have the opportunity to bless Mother Earth. By doing this selfless act you are then blessed with contentment and peace within.
Wesak Ceremony is held each year. Spiritual initiates gather in the presence of the Enlightened Masters to receive the highest dispensations of the light from Buddha. Which is dispensed into the Earth’s body via the Wesak Valley in the Himalayas.
Want to know more about Wesak…
- Wesak Day is often referred to with other names in each country. Official names of Vesak Day are Vesākha, Vesak, Wesak, Waisak, Visakah Puja, Vaishaka, Buddha Purnima
- Vesak is celebrated to commemorate the birth, enlightenment and death of Lord Buddha because according to Buddhists, all the three events took place on the same lunar date.
- The Buddhist eat a vegetarian diet prior to the festival in order to cleanse and purify themselves.
Acts of Kindness during the Wesak
In India, Vesak Day is known as Buddha Purnima. On this day, Buddhists do not eat meat. This is considered an act of compassion towards animals. People are encouraged to perform other acts of kindness such as sharing food with the poor. Some people even set up road stalls providing free, clean drinking water.
Join us for Wesak Meditation and Ceremony on May 20th…
Benefits of Obtaining a Meditation Teacher Certification
Meditation Instructor Certification program offers a highly interactive and effective way of deepening your personal mindfulness meditation practice & learning how to teach meditation to others.
The Meditation Certification is:
- For those who desire to strengthen their foundation and expand their capabilities as professionals in any work environment, including healthcare (allopathic, holistic, or lifestyle improvement), education, technology and business.
For any person who chooses to experience greater health, creativity, decision-making abilities, happiness, and more successful personal and professional relationships.
The program is designed to lead students toward self-care, self-awareness, self-reliance, and Self-realization—all that fosters a balanced and truly fulfilling life.
Achieve your goals and inspire others to reach theirs. This certification enables an individual to successfully begin a wonderful journey of teaching meditation.
Meditation is becoming well known in today’s world as an invaluable tool for enhancing one’s quality of life. Meditation teachers are needed and wanted in yoga studios, churches, businesses, health clubs — the list goes on and on.
The certification training begins when you you are ready. Ignite Your Intention! Click here to learn more about Meditation Teacher Training,
One of the important aspects of receiving your Meditation Teacher Certification is …. “who certifies you?” Billie Topa Tate has a long history of teaching and service to the community and has a long standing teaching reputation with the general public. Your certification would help you connect with many people who have heard of her work as a Native American Teacher.
Billie has provided services for Rush Hospital, Northwestern University (teaching medical students, indigenous wellness, as well as, sacred breath, Reiki training and short burst meditations ) as well as The Cancer Center of American. This professional standing with the medical community combined with her field work and expertise further enhances the value of your Teacher Training. She is the developer of Oncology Reiki, The Reiki Phowa, Loving Kindness Meditation and so many other training courses. People also find it exciting to connect with Native Teachers who can add value to their training principles. After your certification, you will receive a beautiful certificate which you can display for your students to view as well as utilizing our Center and Billie Topa Tate as your resource and professional support.
Feng Shui Guidelines For Your Home, Office or Business
The Beautiful and Ancient System of Feng Shui has helped people harness universal forces and lead lives rich in good health, wealth and happiness.
Feng Shui practice can be applied to almost every facet of the living and working condition. It has to do with enhancing the energies of the surrounding environment as well as the immediate living and working space. It functions on the premise that if one lives- breathes, sleeps, sits, eats, and works – surrounded by healthy, vibrant energy, then one will be enveloped by an aura of good vibrations that attract excellent or healthy success. On the other hand, if one is shrouded by bad energy or constrictive energy, the environment brings constrictive or unhealthy outcomes.
10 Feng Shui Guidelines For Your Home, Office or Business
- Create a separation between the entrance foyer and the rest of the interior space. Transition time is needed from the exterior world into our homes.
- Provide clear-cut pathways both within each room and from room to room. Distinct passageways make one fell secure.
- Represent nature in your home with the five elements; water, fire, metal, wood, earth. These remind us of our connection to the whole earth and they nurture a sense of well-being.
- Have important seating areas in your home facing windows that look east or south. Sunlight promotes optimism.
- Arrange your bed so that you can see any person who enters the room without having to turn your head more than 45 degrees. You do not want to be startled when you are trying to relax.
- Furnish your home with both yin lines (curved) and yang lines (straight). A combination of masculine and feminine lines will create balance.
- Make provisions for both intense and soft lighting with in each room. Lighting can create appropriate atmospheres.
- Separate the food preparation area from the front door. Kitchens too close to the front door invite overindulgence.
- Use high chi colors like red, purple, fuchsia and russet judiciously in conversation areas. These colors can excite, aggravate and energize.
- Keep your home in optimum condition. Your home’s health mirrors your own.
Negative energy can linger anywhere – curtains, clothes, and people. Here is a perfect way to clear the icky feeling from whatever it is. Also perfect to play in your child’s room (or in a family/conference room) while they are away.
Continue to keep the energy in your home, office or children’s room clean, clear and positive by using the:
The Modern Day Yoga | Prep for Sleep and Natural Breath
Modern Day Yogi
“Mindful preparation for Sleep and using the Natural Breath”
In our modern day world, we’re inundated with many stresses and pressures to perform. Many feel like there’s just not enough time to get everything done. By the time we get to bedtime, we’re still feeling these pressures of the day. I hear from people all the time that they’re experience sleep issues. Trying to get to sleep or having problems sleeping soundly are common issues.
Meditation and Sleep:
We have learned that getting enough quality sleep provides many benefits to our overall health and wellness. Getting enough sleep helps regulate our metabolic rate. We’re learning how this actually enhances weight loss.
Cellular health and revitalization improves with better sleep.
How to provide a better transition from our busy day to more quality sleep time:
- Set a mindful intention to create space between the events of the day and sleep time.
- Identify the point where you’re done with the day’s events.
- Use a statement to declare the end of that part of the day. An example could be “I am done with my day and I will resume tomorrow”.
- Sit comfortably with your back supported.
A Yoga Expert’s approach to using our “Natural Breath”:
- Inhale and exhale through the nose letting the breath flow in its own way.
- Be mindful of keeping the physical body relaxed as the breath flows.
- Center the mind on gently watching the breath. If you feel distracted or occupied with thoughts, gently return to watching the breath.
- The exhale provides release of tension and effort in your physical body and in your thoughts.
- Each cycle of breath releases deeper.
- Practice for a few minutes.
Restorative Yoga is a very good session to access benefits for sleep time too.
At MSI-Healing, we have a Restorative Yoga class once a month.
Our class this month is on Wednesday, Sept. 23rd, 7-8:15 pm Click here for more information!
Hope you can join us.
About The Author:
Steve Sheilds has been a Yoga practitioner since 1996, and teaches Healing Yoga classes at Keystone Healing Center, MSI-Healing in Evanston, IL and Gilda’s Club, a support community for those living with Cancer, in Chicago.