Category: Peace
How to Have a Mystical and Magical Holiday Season…
We at MSI Wellness Center wish you and yours a very mystical and magical holiday. We know that sometimes the holidays can be stressful, but to the mystic, it can be a time of filling our energy with happiness, peace, sharing and surrounding ourselves with great opportunities and empowering people.
Here are some wonderful recommendations for the busy Mystic to truly enjoy the Holidays…
Are You Ready ? Here We Go…
- Say yes to healthy fun
- Create a new healthy tradition and share it with family and friends
- Sing when you are at home cooking for yourself or sing and cook for someone else – it’s good karma
- Fill your schedule with lots of self care and invite friends to join you or surround yourself with people who inspire you to be your better self
- Give a gift to someone who you might have not given to.. Like your doctor or your mail person
- Make something to give like healing soaps or organic essential oil salves -people will truly enjoy your thoughtfulness
- Rest and read some inspiring books
- Plan some mystical classes for the new year to empower your future
- Support local artisans and take some friends to stage productions that are uplifting
- Do some wonderful meditations and dedicate your practice to loved ones
- Bring a delicious healthy meal to a family or friends gathering with a note on how to create the dish
- Use expansive breaths … like your just received some great news to launch good fortune on your path
- Express gratis better known as gratitude
Many blessings to your always from our family to yours. Namaste
Sacred Intention written by Billie Topa Tate – Mescalero Apache |Founder of MSI Wellness Center
Dear Ones “Sacred Election Intention “
Many people are filled with concern and grief over our election. Please use this time to come back to our center and pull together our virtuous and transforming energy and facilitate energy that will transform everything to virtuous energy, which is what the universe is asking all of us to do.
Today and from this day forward can be used to strengthen and inspire all of us to step into virtuous action to help our government system. This election launches a time when all of us need to participate in wisdom filled ways more and more especially in our communities and facilitate wisdom filled mentorship for our future leaders and voters to use virtuous wisdom within our government and local communities. We witnessed outbursts of anger and even violence during this election year. It is important to demonstrate wisdom filled energy to contribute to the system and bring everything and everyone to not only PEACE but virtuous and wise actions.
It is the universes call to action that we must shine light and transform energy everywhere to secure the principles of wisdom within all government decisions. It is highly important for all of us to vigilantly infuse every aspect and every person within our government system with divine light, divine virtue and keep all representatives virtuously busy at all times so they can not hurt anyone and anything.
It is a pivotal point to inspire us to do this work daily and for the next four years to demonstrate that we are virtuous principles and will transform everyone to these virtuous principal starting today and every day. Start your day and afternoon for the next four years with the following .. To help move this country in a good peaceful direction
Daily Invocation …
By the power of my good merits, I invoke my virtuous teachers in spirit and all the virtuous and powerful beings who assist me in powerful and virtuous ways to keep our United States President Donald Trump, all members of the House of Representatives, All the Senate members and all who make decisions within our government and cities be kept virtuously busy to secure virtuous actions and virtuous energies at all times to facilitate virtuous wisdom filled decisions for our United States Government and Cities within the United States and also around the world. To secure that our plants, people, animals and Mother Earth be handled with kindness, virtuous energy and virtuous wisdom. Secure that all legislative and government decisions be made with virtuous and compassionate energies.
Secure the medics pick up all non-virtuous forces, all mental illness forces, all non-virtuous energies, all non virtuous entities from people, noxious energies, other planes of existence that have affected our United States president Donald Trump, our house of representatives and our United States Senate members for the past 72 hours and take these non-virtuous forces, mental illness forces, non-virtuous entities, mental illness entities from people noxious energies, non-virtuous energies and other planes of existence to receive medical care in the energy world, never to return and fill the void with divine and virtuous energies for the purpose of virtuous actions and energies within our government. Secure that everyone be virtuously mentored in sleep and dream time to facilitate wisdom filled compassionate actions at all times,
Also all people who participate in violence be kept virtuously busy so peace and wisdom is always present, here and now and from this day forward physically emotionally mentally spiritually and at all other levels. Continue until this request is completed So be it Thank you
Billie Topa Tate’
Billie Topa Tate’ is the founder of MSI (Mystical Sciences Institute) an earth friendly educational institute located in Evanston, Illinois. Billie is Mescalero Apache and is dedicated to presenting the sacred principles, doctrines, and teachings of her Native Culture and many ancient wisdom systems from around the world, creating synthesis through harmony of many lineages.
Billie is a traditional Native American healer and teacher of Mescalero Apache descent, trained and educated by numerous family Elders and extended family members. She is a Reiki Master Teacher Eighth Degree and licensed therapeutic massage therapist. Billie is an approved provider of continuing education programs for Massage Therapists and Illinois Nurses. Has written and lecturer extensively for more than 18 years. She is internationally recognized as a wonderful teacher, healer and advocate of Earth Friendly endeavors. Billie maintains a successful practice at her MSI center in Evanston, and with the expressed permission from her Native culture Billie shares many of the ancestral principles, healing systems and native wisdoms with her students and clients.
Energetic Eating| Facebook Video with Billie Topa Tate
Eating is a natural and healthy component to living life well. Eating for comfort or out of boredom currently plagues our culture producing a love-hate relationship with food. In this LIVE facebook broadcast, Billie Topa Tate will address the ancient methods of mindful eating to bring you to a stage of consuming a healthy amount of food and feeling great as a result!
In this video you will:
1. Learn the difference between mindful eating vs. dieting
2. Learn how to empower your food prior to eating
3. Learn how to eat with attention and intention
4. Learn specific foods to eat to increase fullness and health
Watch the LIVE Facebook Video, where I outline the steps to mindful eating.
So there you have a wonderful technique that will help you throughout the day. Namaste
Billie Topa Tate’
Billie Topa Tate’ is the founder of MSI (Mystical Sciences Institute) an earth friendly educational institute located in Evanston, Illinois. Billie is Mescalero Apache and is dedicated to presenting the sacred principles, doctrines, and teachings of her Native Culture and many ancient wisdom systems from around the world, creating synthesis through harmony of many lineages.
Billie is a traditional Native American healer and teacher of Mescalero Apache descent, trained and educated by numerous family Elders and extended family members. She is a Reiki Master Teacher Eighth Degree and licensed therapeutic massage therapist. Billie is an approved provider of continuing education programs for Massage Therapists and Illinois Nurses. Has written and lecturer extensively for more than 18 years. She is internationally recognized as a wonderful teacher, healer and advocate of Earth Friendly endeavors. Billie maintains a successful practice at her MSI center in Evanston, and with the expressed permission from her Native culture.
Learn more about Appointments with Billie Topa Tate by click here,
What does the Wesak Full Moon Mean?
The Wesak full moon is considered the most powerful full moon of the year. When doing mediation on the Wesak a down pouring of healing energy is given to all those whom are seeking it. It’s allows for one to have contentment, peace and joy. Using this divine healing energy that is cultivated in one’s body and spirit all that can be sent to healing Mother Earth. Wesak is celebrated to commemorate the birth, enlightenment and death of Lord Buddha because according to Buddhists, all the three events took place on the same lunar date.
How does Karma play a positive role in this Wesak Meditation?
While the down pouring of healing energy flows through you at this time you have the opportunity to bless Mother Earth. By doing this selfless act you are then blessed with contentment and peace within.
Wesak Ceremony is held each year. Spiritual initiates gather in the presence of the Enlightened Masters to receive the highest dispensations of the light from Buddha. Which is dispensed into the Earth’s body via the Wesak Valley in the Himalayas.
Want to know more about Wesak…
- Wesak Day is often referred to with other names in each country. Official names of Vesak Day are Vesākha, Vesak, Wesak, Waisak, Visakah Puja, Vaishaka, Buddha Purnima
- Vesak is celebrated to commemorate the birth, enlightenment and death of Lord Buddha because according to Buddhists, all the three events took place on the same lunar date.
- The Buddhist eat a vegetarian diet prior to the festival in order to cleanse and purify themselves.
Acts of Kindness during the Wesak
In India, Vesak Day is known as Buddha Purnima. On this day, Buddhists do not eat meat. This is considered an act of compassion towards animals. People are encouraged to perform other acts of kindness such as sharing food with the poor. Some people even set up road stalls providing free, clean drinking water.
Join us for Wesak Meditation and Ceremony on May 20th…
Feng Shui Guidelines For Your Home, Office or Business
The Beautiful and Ancient System of Feng Shui has helped people harness universal forces and lead lives rich in good health, wealth and happiness.
Feng Shui practice can be applied to almost every facet of the living and working condition. It has to do with enhancing the energies of the surrounding environment as well as the immediate living and working space. It functions on the premise that if one lives- breathes, sleeps, sits, eats, and works – surrounded by healthy, vibrant energy, then one will be enveloped by an aura of good vibrations that attract excellent or healthy success. On the other hand, if one is shrouded by bad energy or constrictive energy, the environment brings constrictive or unhealthy outcomes.
10 Feng Shui Guidelines For Your Home, Office or Business
- Create a separation between the entrance foyer and the rest of the interior space. Transition time is needed from the exterior world into our homes.
- Provide clear-cut pathways both within each room and from room to room. Distinct passageways make one fell secure.
- Represent nature in your home with the five elements; water, fire, metal, wood, earth. These remind us of our connection to the whole earth and they nurture a sense of well-being.
- Have important seating areas in your home facing windows that look east or south. Sunlight promotes optimism.
- Arrange your bed so that you can see any person who enters the room without having to turn your head more than 45 degrees. You do not want to be startled when you are trying to relax.
- Furnish your home with both yin lines (curved) and yang lines (straight). A combination of masculine and feminine lines will create balance.
- Make provisions for both intense and soft lighting with in each room. Lighting can create appropriate atmospheres.
- Separate the food preparation area from the front door. Kitchens too close to the front door invite overindulgence.
- Use high chi colors like red, purple, fuchsia and russet judiciously in conversation areas. These colors can excite, aggravate and energize.
- Keep your home in optimum condition. Your home’s health mirrors your own.
Negative energy can linger anywhere – curtains, clothes, and people. Here is a perfect way to clear the icky feeling from whatever it is. Also perfect to play in your child’s room (or in a family/conference room) while they are away.
Continue to keep the energy in your home, office or children’s room clean, clear and positive by using the: