Category: Peace
International Day of Peace | Free Worldwide Meditation
Join Billie Topa Tate September 21st Friday in harmony with meditation on this wonderful day of opportunity to help lift the world and source the quality of peace through meditation. The International Day of Peace (“Peace Day”) is observed around the world each year on 21 September. Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace.
A beautiful Apache story about the quantities of walking in a sacred manner…
A long time ago in a mystical land called Earth walked the people and the people were given gifts so they could enjoy Mother Earth and all the other kingdoms on Mother Earth. These most precious gifts were infused within our spirit and our consciousness. They allowed all forms of life to feel, have thought and do. For humanity this meant we could create our path of existence and wisdom. These gifts can be used in feeling and thought. The gifts of our thoughts, images and emotions launches our journey on a daily basis. Through these wonderful attributes -we walk this world. In the beginning of time as we know it, the creation formula of walking in a sacred way was given to the people. In quiet stillness 1 – 2 times a day for short periods of time would we experience peace but also, a time to be guided by higher thought and even send this wonderful energy to others.
The international day of peace is a great opportunity to relaunch the beautiful quality of peace and healing for everyone. Let us all take time to be in the quiet stillness to send this powerful energy to everyone around the world.
Free Community Meditation Celebration
Billie Topa Tate and MSI Wellness Center welcomes you Friday September 21st at 6:30pm in honor of International Day of Peace – MSI Wellness Center 2144 Ashland Ave Suite #1 Evanston IL 60201. Call our center for details as we would love to hear from you – 847-866-0505
Meditation Across The World
Each and every person has reason to hope for peace and today we can create a sacred space for everyone and make a difference. It would be wonderful if everyone in the world would meditate to the Loving Kindness Meditation. We can do this with your loving help. Join Billie Topa Tate September 21st Friday worldwide in meditation by clicking below…
How to Have a Magical and Mystical Holiday Season…
We at MSI Wellness Center wish you and yours a very mystical and magical holiday. We know that sometimes the holidays can be stressful, but to the mystic, it can be a time of filling our energy with happiness, peace, sharing and surrounding ourselves with great opportunities and empowering people.
Here are some wonderful recommendations for the busy Mystic to truly enjoy the Holidays…
Are You Ready ? Here We Go…
- Say yes to healthy fun
- Create a new healthy tradition and share it with family and friends
- Sing when you are at home cooking for yourself or sing and cook for someone else – it’s good karma
- Fill your schedule with lots of self care and invite friends to join you or surround yourself with people who inspire you to be your better self
- Give a gift to someone who you might have not given to.. Like your doctor or your mail person
- Make something to give like healing soaps or organic essential oil salves -people will truly enjoy your thoughtfulness
- Rest and read some inspiring books
- Plan some mystical classes for the new year to empower your future
- Support local artisans and take some friends to stage productions that are uplifting
- Do some wonderful meditations and dedicate your practice to loved ones
- Bring a delicious healthy meal to a family or friends gathering with a note on how to create the dish
- Use expansive breaths … like your just received some great news to launch good fortune on your path
- Express gratis better known as gratitude
Many blessings to your always from our family to yours. Namaste
Click here to learn more about the wonderful events going on in 2018,
Guidelines to Sacred Meditation Space
“Keep your thoughts sacred, and your world will become sacred. It’s the quiet place inside where you return over and over again which nurtures your thoughts sacred, your heart expanded and your dreams alive. Meditation helps you to create your sacred place.”
-Billie Topa Tate
What Is A Sacred Meditation Space:
It is a space you keep clean and you place simply items that represent your spiritual quest. It may contain something new or old items that you wish. It may contain the book you are reading. Diagrams, mandalas that you create. Create it with CARE and ATTENTION. It is a temple on which you can focus your good intentions. One of the best ways to activate meditation is to sit and focus on this sacred space and to remember LOVE, GOODNESS and PEACE. Keep this place simply
Often people visiting our Healing Center come from a busy and hectic work and home environment. Some take the train or drive once a week to help become part of this spiritual community. Each time they enter the front door gate – the smell of burning incense, beautiful zen garden and zen pathway , the smell of clean, balanced air, sacred statue and symbols, altars, feng shui items, and harmonic tones. All remind them they are entering a special place – a place devoted to the practice of meditation, wisdom and balance. They often comment – feeling their breath deepening and they minds slowing to a balanced rejuvenating pace. Many of our students soon find that their own physical environment surrounding them is so very important and begins them on their journey to create a sacred space at home or at the office.
Perhaps you’ve seen many other sacred meditation areas which have a peaceful fountain or waterfall, serene sitting area, zen mat, and bonsai tree.
Here are a 7 steps which will help you to start creating your own sacred space:
1. Choose comfortable clothing. Use a set of clothing which is simple, comfortable and only used for meditation (if possible). Use a meditation scarf and mala beads when meditating.
2. Because the body temperature and blood pressure tend to drop during meditation, you may get chillier than usual. Be sure to have a clean and comfortable blanket nearby.
3. Keep it away from work. If you work at home or have a desk devoted to personal business, keep it out of sight when meditating. If possible, remember to shut off your phone.
4. Find a spot in your home that is good for meditation. Sample the area and make sure your feel good meditating in this area. The more often you sit there, the more you infuse your sacred area with your meditation energy. Find a quiet space in your home which is off the beaten path of high traffic areas.
5. Fresh air, sun light and clean surroundings are important. Avoid must basements and windowless closets; these tend to lower your energy level.
6. Close to nature. If you don’t have a tree or garden outside the window, you may want to have a plant or vase full of flowers, and a few river stones nearby. Natural object radiate a certain special energy which helps us feel more whole and balanced.
7. Although an altar is not essential to meditate, it can be a creative and evolving expression of your inner life. Candles, flowers, incense, natural objects, statues of inspirational figures, pictures of your teacher(s) and sacred text, can all be part of your meditation space.
It is important that you create a space that is conducive to meditation, and use of meditation tools.
First, you may attune yourself to the energy of your surroundings. Things that can interfere with that flow are television sets that interrupt the thought process, high traffic areas like a living room that the whole family uses, or a room that is physically unappealing (a musty basement, or stifling attic).
Some of the negative influences can be lessened by turning off the TV or using the space when most of the family is in bed or away.
Dose this space have a good natural source of light? Can you use candles and incense in this space? It would most likely upset your landlord if you where smudging with sage and set off the smoke alarm. Fresh air is good for meditation. Comfortable clothes and simply surroundings are perfect for your sacred space.
Once you have made this selection it is important you consecrate the space. You should perform a ritual cleaning. The walls must be washed, the windows cleaned. When sweeping do it in a circular motion to bring the dirt and dust to the middle of the room. As you do this, chant,” this is consecrated to good, this is offered to (insert name of a virtuous deity). If any Transform ill will, any negativity”. The sweepings should be gathered and cast outside as apart of the ritual. Remember to transform all energy to virtuous energy.
Creating Your Own Sacred Space
When you moved into your house or your apartment, you probably didn’t designate a special room for you to go for peace and tranquility. If you did, how fortunate you are, but if not, it’s time to fix that. Of course you could always add an extra room for that purpose, which could be quite expensive, or you could create a sacred space in one of your existing rooms now.
Sacred Meditation Space Size
Since most rooms have four corners, I recommend a corner. The space should be wide enough for a 2 X 4 table top to fit into ( in case you want to seal it off with plants on each side) but you can even get by with less space than that. Under a window is always nice to allow the natural sunlight to come in which is especially nice for early morning devotions. The table should be low enough so when you kneel you are at a comfortable eye level for reading and focusing on the objects on the table. A soft pillow for kneeling should be placed in front but able to slide under the table when not in use.
Items for your meditation table
When setting up the top of your meditation table, keep in mind that each item should have a purpose or symbolize something that is close to your heart. Candles are needed to shed natural light as well as enhance the mood for meditation and/or prayer. A picture or a statue that is special to you, some form of plant or flower, to symbolize nature, a tabletop water fountain is nice to add the tranquil sound of a brook or river stream, you may be into gemstones and crystals due to the healing vibration they release, burning incense is always good to arouse the senses. All of these things help to create a feeling of peace and tranquility. Once you have reached that state of mind, you are ready to pray, meditate or just enjoy this sacred space you have created for your own peace of mind.
Join us every Friday night at our Evanston Meditation Center for Free Community Meditation.
Harvest Full Moon | Send Virtuous Energy All Over The World
Happy Full Moon today – often called the Harvest moon is a time of culmination and the promise of fulfillment of that which was started at the New Moon. It is an emotional time and a time of heart energy, reflection, awareness, fertilization, relationships, especially the one we have with ourselves.
Meditation today will produce a much needed quietness for insights and then contemplation.
Combined with the energetic action of becoming a conduit of positive and virtuous energy which can be streamed forth into the world, people and even our own personal projects as medicine for the world. This is the full moon of striving for sacred balance and a potential for sacred energy to come into the earth and people. So during meditation today and also throughout the day place your thoughts in a sacred place and send virtuous energy out to other people all over the world and ask that all people be saturated with virtuous energy to promote virtuous actions.
Send Virtuous Energy Out All Over The World. Share the Loving Kindness Meditation with a loved one today…
Today will be a powerful day for this effort of resetting all our systems to a calmer place and helping our world be filled with virtuous of kindness, peace and uplifting wisdom. Today at our Meditation location in Chicago, we will be utilizing the above advice to bring out the most sacred energy of the new moon.
Many blessings,
Billie Topa Tate
Billie Topa Tate’ is the founder of MSI (Mystical Sciences Institute) an earth friendly educational institute located in Evanston, Illinois. Billie is Mescalero Apache and is dedicated to presenting the sacred principles, doctrines, and teachings of her Native Culture and many ancient wisdom systems from around the world, creating synthesis through harmony of many lineages.
Spirit of Inner Peace Free Online Class and Meditation with Billie Topa Tate
The Spirit of Inner Peace Lecture and Meditation is a uniquely designed to help all of us be in a state of balance through the time honored Native Principles of our Mescalero Apache tradition.
Indigenous Wellness comes from bringing all aspects of our personal energy to the healthy flow of mother nature and creating a deep connection through our sacred breath and sacred thoughts to influence our nervous system, our consciousness and other aspects of our well being.
The advanced techniques within this on-line recording can be used to activate a great sense of inner peace thus the name “The Spirit of Inner Peace.” Thank you for sharing this sacred time with MSI Wellness Center and Billie Topa Tate.