Author: Monique
The Modern Day Yoga | Prep for Sleep and Natural Breath
Modern Day Yogi
“Mindful preparation for Sleep and using the Natural Breath”
In our modern day world, we’re inundated with many stresses and pressures to perform. Many feel like there’s just not enough time to get everything done. By the time we get to bedtime, we’re still feeling these pressures of the day. I hear from people all the time that they’re experience sleep issues. Trying to get to sleep or having problems sleeping soundly are common issues.
Meditation and Sleep:
We have learned that getting enough quality sleep provides many benefits to our overall health and wellness. Getting enough sleep helps regulate our metabolic rate. We’re learning how this actually enhances weight loss.
Cellular health and revitalization improves with better sleep.
How to provide a better transition from our busy day to more quality sleep time:
- Set a mindful intention to create space between the events of the day and sleep time.
- Identify the point where you’re done with the day’s events.
- Use a statement to declare the end of that part of the day. An example could be “I am done with my day and I will resume tomorrow”.
- Sit comfortably with your back supported.
A Yoga Expert’s approach to using our “Natural Breath”:
- Inhale and exhale through the nose letting the breath flow in its own way.
- Be mindful of keeping the physical body relaxed as the breath flows.
- Center the mind on gently watching the breath. If you feel distracted or occupied with thoughts, gently return to watching the breath.
- The exhale provides release of tension and effort in your physical body and in your thoughts.
- Each cycle of breath releases deeper.
- Practice for a few minutes.
Restorative Yoga is a very good session to access benefits for sleep time too.
At MSI-Healing, we have a Restorative Yoga class once a month.
Our class this month is on Wednesday, Sept. 23rd, 7-8:15 pm Click here for more information!
Hope you can join us.
About The Author:
Steve Sheilds has been a Yoga practitioner since 1996, and teaches Healing Yoga classes at Keystone Healing Center, MSI-Healing in Evanston, IL and Gilda’s Club, a support community for those living with Cancer, in Chicago.
International Day of Peace | Messengers of Peace
The International Day of Peace, sometimes unofficially known as World Peace Day, is observed annually on September 21. It is dedicated to world peace, and specifically the absence of war and violence.
On Monday, September 21st, join us in our effort to become Messengers of Peace. Peace is an inner feeling of well being to be shared globally and locally.
How can I be a Messenger of Peace?
- Meditate. Make each moment a representation of peace within and send peace to all around the world. Begin your morning by connecting with the breath.
- Take ten minutes to have an expansive breath and picture a place that you feel happy, calm and quite. A great way to connect with your breath is by following a guided meditation such as the Timelessness Meditation.
- Share smiles throughout your day. – Smile, it makes us giggle and it makes us rejoice in the little moments we share together.
- Global Sunset Meditation. Click here at sunset on September 21, where-ever you are around the world to experience peace peace and perfect peace and the opportunity to share that with your loved ones. This 27 minute guided meditation is easy to follow, promotes relaxation and blessings to all.
Secretary-General’s Countdown Message
Every year on the International Day of Peace, the United Nations calls on the people of the world to reaffirm their commitment to living in harmony as members of a single human family.
This year’s commemoration, “Partnerships for Peace — Dignity for All”, highlights the importance of cooperation in silencing the guns and advancing the cause. Without the support of governments, civil society, the private sector, faith-based groups and non-governmental organizations, peace will remain elusive.
This year marks the 70th anniversary of the United Nations as well as a transition to a new global sustainable development agenda and meaningful action on climate change.
Over the next couple of days, let us stand with the millions of people across the world who are suffering the devastating impact of violence and conflict. Let us share ideas and plans for helping and supporting them in their time of dire need.
Together, as “partners for peace”, we can achieve a world of peace, prosperity and dignity for all.
What is Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) for Kids?
Peace, gentleness, self-love, forgiveness, trust, ease, self-empowerment, safety, wellbeing: these are qualities we all wish for our children to be surrounded by throughout their lives. It can be challenging for them to connect with these empowering energies, however, with so many pressures that they can experience in their busy lives. IET for Kids teaches children how to tune into that wise and healing place inside them to make those positive connections. They learn to do this through a partnership with their very own angels.
What is Integrated Energy Therapy?
Integrated Energy Therapy was created by Stevan Thayer, who is the founding director of the Center of Being, Inc. The focus of the Center is “personal empowerment, self-healing and spiritual growth through the healing art of energy therapy in its many forms.” Steven began teaching IET in 1994, and since then it has spread around the world, with thousands of students currently in 75 countries. As described on
Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET®) is one of the next generation – hands on – power energy therapy systems that get the “issues out of your tissues” for good! …IET uses the violet angelic energy ray, as brought to us through the nine Healing Angels of the Energy Field, to work directly with your 12 Strand Spiritual DNA. IET supports you in safely and gently releasing limiting energy patterns of your past, empowering and balancing your life in the present, and helps you to reach for the stars as you evolve into your future. We chose the term “Integrated” in our name to convey our healing vision of “integrating the pain of the past, into the power of the present, to bring about the joy of the future”. We have been privileged to see Integrated Energy Therapy live up to this vision.
Who can benefit from IET?
Why would we teach this form of healing to children? Many children already feel a very strong connection to angels. This can be a source of comfort and support in their lives. This class, designed specifically for children, helps to reinforce that connection, and provides them with specific tools they can use to deepen it even further. They also learn how to share the angels’ uplifting and healing energy with others, which can be very empowering and reinforces the idea of compassionately sharing loving kindness with the world.
There are many other children who aren’t aware of angels in their lives who can also benefit from the class. So many children today suffer with anxiety. These boys and girls may be naturally very sensitive and easily overwhelmed both from external environments and by their own intense feelings. They may be naturally intuitive, yet uncertain how to integrate and live from their intuitive nature as a place of strength. Instead, they may be confused or nervous about the nature of what they are feeling.
What do children gain from learning Integrated Energy Therapy?
In IET for Kids, we spend time learning about our energy bodies – also referred to as our auras and chakras. The children will make a small pendulum which helps them see where their chakras are and how the energy moves. This helps them understand that we feel things that are around us in the world, not just in our physical bodies. Many sensitive, anxious children are indeed sensing the world around them and taking that on as their own feelings, without realizing it (many adults do this, too!). This class teaches them how they can clean their own energy field using an Angel Wash technique, so that they can live their lives from a place of greater emotional clarity and strength.
We also talk about how the angels can help us learn how to release painful feelings and experiences that we hold in our bodies, and how we can bring in and integrate positive, loving, and empowering energy in its place. Emotional resilience is a powerful, life-long skill which this class introduces through these lessons and angelic healing techniques the kids are taught.
At the core of learning to work with angels is the technique we use to connect our energy to theirs. This is called an Angelic Heartlink. It is a visualization technique, whereby we create an energetic cord that connects our heart to the heart of our angels. This also is how we invite the angels to share their energy with us, and through us, to share their energy with others. It is a simple and very effective tool which we will experience and practice together during class.
IET for Kids will take place on October 3 Saturday 1 – 4pm. Click here for additional information.
During class, we will have a variety of activities, including:
- learning about the nine Healing Angels of the Energy Field and how they can help us.
- receiving an attunement, which is a healing and empowering energetic process that opens their magnetic field up to more fully connect with the energy of the angels.
- learning how to partner with the angels to receive healing energy for themselves and their loved ones.
- connecting with and deepening their relationship with their own personal angels.
- discovering their chakras, energy anatomy, and how to clean their energy fields, through cartoon drawings and playing with a wooden pendulum which they create.
- practicing how to transform strong feelings such as shame, guilt, fear and distrust, with empowering angelic energies, including trust, love, ease, safety, forgiveness, and innocence.
IET for kids is designed for children ages 7-12. It can be introduced to children of all ages, but the materials and activities were specifically developed with these ages in mind. Both boys and girls are welcome. The tone of the class will be playful, creative and most importantly, a safe and sacred space for the children to have this new personal exploration. Children will receive a workbook as well as a certificate of completion at the end of the class.
How do children respond to IET?
I’ve had the pleasure of sharing IET with children on many occasions. One insightful teenaged boy shared that he felt that the angels helped him find the playful little boy in his heart. Another young boy shared that the angels helped him at school when he was feeling anxious, reporting that he could see them on the ceiling of his classroom playing soccer and kicking balls of positive energy down into the class. Another child shared with her mother that the angels taught her about her inner child. Children have reported that they are happy to be able to share angelic energy with loved ones who are sick. In all cases, they feel empowered and comforted by these connections, feeling a greater sense of peace with who they are, and how they live their lives in the world.
About the Author/Instructor:
Laura Pryzby is dedicated to providing children a safe, compassionate space that allows them to express their unique spirits. She works with children and adults, empowering them to live joyfully, with a body-mind-spirit approach to well-being. Laura is a certified Integrated Energy Therapy Master-Instructor, Reiki Master Teacher, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, and Child Meditation and Mindfulness Facilitator, with a certificate in Radiant Child Yoga.
3 Simple Ways to Embrace the New Moon and New Beginnings
New Moons are a great time to set intentions for things you’d like to create, develop, cultivate, make manifest. What matters is that you’re committing yourself to your vision, and open to receiving guidance, healing, and support from Spirit.
Like the tides, the Moon ebbs and flows, a rhythm that women understand intimately. New Moons are a blank page on which to speak your dreams out loud, and Full Moon are for taking action and celebrating the fruit of your efforts.
How to embrace the energy of a New Moon…
- Meditation is a perfect way to connect with the energy of the new moon and new beginnings. Before your meditation set an intention. Think of a situation you have been trying to figure out and ask for insight to come to you during your meditation. The Loving Kindness Meditation is a 27 minute guided meditation available to you always. Click here to meditate,
- Start a lunar (evening) and solar (morning) routine. The start and end of your day are perfect for mentally preparing yourself and reflection. A great way to incorporate an easy morning ritual is to pick a daily affirmation and tape it to your water bottle for the day. Such as ‘peace joy love’ and tape it to the bottom of your water bottle. Dr. Emoto states clearly that water with the most suitable high energy information could result in improvements in health and well being. In the evening take time to pamper yourself. Pick one pampering gift for yourself like making a cup of tea, facial, a walk or bubble bath.
- When no intentions come: Think of the essence of what’s come up. It might be as simple as, “more fire, water, earth or air.” Or, the powerful act of surrendering to your highest good, and letting spirit do the rest.
Big Things Often Start With Small Beginnings. Happy New Moon To You!
Creating a Sacred Space
As the heavens open up to a new energy of resolution and developing new healthy skills, we launch a wonderful goodbye to our recent mercury retrograde.
Yes, with all it’s lessons and surprises we can truly grow and mature into our wisdom filled journey, we call life. I have personally found new and profound insights from this retrograde. With new constituents, resources, healing energies and courage to pursue and develop MSI is such profound and empowering ways.
The certainty of Meditation and focusing on opening our minds to the great knowing that the universe and the Creator will definitely provide interesting challenges, however, these opportunities can give us our most loving gifts of wisdom, healing and of joyful insights. We will see through the fog and realize the gifts we have to offer and also find friends who will support our healthy body mind and spirit and even help us to share our gifts and great purpose to the world.
This retrograde was about seeing the value of our values and to pursue the extension of those values through people, places, and even new inventions or discoveries we develop and give to the world. All done in a wisdom filled way and a loving way for ourselves and others
We celebrate with you and would love to hear about what you have experienced, learned and plan to gift to the world. We look forward to hearing from you – many many blessings namaste !!!
– Morning Meditation Message from Billie Topa Tate. Learn more about her classes, private appointments and services please contact the MSI Wellness Center 847-866-0505.