Tag: how to
3 Ways to Relieve Active Stress | Facebook Video with Billie Topa Tate
Many times we have within us a agitation which can cause us to have ” Active Stress”
In order to change our external universe, we much change our internal universe. We can do this by following some very simple steps to help us achieve a place of peace.
The first method I guide my students through is a breathing method following our breathing is a very effective way of getting the mind focused. this has many benefits, firstly, you can not change what you can not see, and focusing on the breath will allow for change to occur. this calms the nervous system, slows down the heart rate and clams the mind.
Watch my LIVE Facebook Video, where I outline the 3 Steps To Relieve Active Stress
Read on for Additional Steps:
Step 1 bring the attention to your breathing, observe the breath but don’t try to control your breathing, can you feel how your breathing is? is it intense or shallow ?
Step 2 Now start to deepen the breath by first expanding the heart area, then the ribs and last the belly area, then slowly exhale. the air should exit very calmly so there is not intensity to the breath. Do this again, in hale expanding the heart area, then the ribs and lastly the belly area,
Step 3 Go back to just relaxing the breath and see how the breath has changed
Step 4 Next I want you focus on things in your life that you are grateful for and to give thanks for.
Focus on all things that are positive in your life. think of anything that has been a great lesson to you, even if it has been difficult, think of any moment that has been of great value in your life, send love to all those around you, with your eyes close visualize them and say thank you to them for being on your journey. remember also to thank the people who have been great teachers to you and have shared valuable time and wisdom with you.
Step 5 Check your breath again and see how your breath has changed, observe how your mind has changed for the better. You will start to notice all active stress transform into a great sense of calmness, you will start to feel the Great Spirit in your heart once more. You will once again feel that life is wonderful remember everything in life is possible once you make it important enough, know that you have all that you need in this moment.
So there you have a wonderful technique that will help you throughout the day. Namaste
Billie Topa Tate’
Billie Topa Tate’ is the founder of MSI (Mystical Sciences Institute) an earth friendly educational institute located in Evanston, Illinois. Billie is Mescalero Apache and is dedicated to presenting the sacred principles, doctrines, and teachings of her Native Culture and many ancient wisdom systems from around the world, creating synthesis through harmony of many lineages.
Billie is a traditional Native American healer and teacher of Mescalero Apache descent, trained and educated by numerous family Elders and extended family members. She is a Reiki Master Teacher Eighth Degree and licensed therapeutic massage therapist. Billie is an approved provider of continuing education programs for Massage Therapists and Illinois Nurses. Has written and lecturer extensively for more than 18 years. She is internationally recognized as a wonderful teacher, healer and advocate of Earth Friendly endeavors. Billie maintains a successful practice at her MSI center in Evanston, and with the expressed permission from her Native culture.
The Loving Kindness Meditation – which is the first recording of prayers and ceremony done during the sun rise and sun set ceremony. This meditation is free and is done all around the world. It is also provided at MSI every Friday at 6:30pm just after a 10 minute native American drumming ceremony.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact our MSI office at 847-866-0505.
4 Steps to Connecting to the Energy of Angels
The angels love to help and all we have to do is ask. Angelic invitation starts with a simple setting of intention. Opening your heart to angelic love, you will gain access to your inner wisdom answering your deepest questions.
Simple 4 Step Process To Connecting To Angels:
Step 1: Offer a prayer of invitation.
1. Angel Ariel, please work with me so I may receive your gift of healing.
2. Please guide, direct, surround and protect me.
3. Let me receive energy and information for my highest good and highest healing.
Each angel has a specific prayer which will be do in class.
Step 2: Establish an Angelic Heartlink.
A Heartlink is a golden cord of light that flows from your heart to the heart of the chosen angel.
1. Awareness. Bring your awareness to your heart center.
2. Gratitude. In a way that is right and perfect for you, offer a prayer of gratitude to Great Spirit and your chosen angel.
3. Heartlink. Project a golden cord, called a heartlink, from your heart up through your throat, third eye and crown chakras up into the highest angelic realm, w the intent of connecting to the heart of this angel.
4. Send energy. Start the flow of energy thru the Heartlink by sending love and gratitude for this healing moment.
5. Receive energy. This is the best part! Opening your heart to take in all the love this healing angel is sending you. The angels love will be 10 times stronger then the love you sent.
Step 3: Experience the angels presence.
Once you are connected w the angels energy, simply sit quietly and experience the angels presence. Notice any and all sensations in your body and notice what you see with your inner vision and what you hear with your inner voice.
Step 4: Practice Discernment
The angels energy will always be gentle and loving. If for any reason you are not feeling this love you can simply say stop and the Heartlink will disconnect. You can rest assured that the angels messages are always positive, constructive, trustworthy and loving.
Join our group for a direct experience with your divine self. Deepest Namaste.
Healing angels of the energy field is a 5 week meditation journey w the angels. Each week we open our hearts and minds to the love and wisdom of these powerful yet gentle Divine beings with a simple Heartlink.
The angels love us completely and want to help us w every aspect of our lives. No challenge or worry is too big or too trivial in the eyes of Spirit. The angels act as a bridge from heaven to earth and are here to serve, bringing peace and blessings.
Take time for yourself to breathe, relax and connect w your angels in this safe and enjoyable setting. Meditation with the angels is a great self care tool to find your inner calm.
The many benefits of this course are:
- Joining a community of like hearted friends and meditating w the angels.
- Receiving energy and information for your highest good and highest healing.
Connecting with your soul and your awakening to your divine life purpose. - Opening to heal on all levels. PEMSE. Physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and etherically.
- Relaxing and letting go of stress as your heart opens to the love and wisdom of the angels
About the Instructor:
Jill Kempner has been in the healing field for 15 years. She works as a massage therapist and yoga teacher integrating the love and wisdom of Reiki and the angels into all her healing sessions and classes. Jill loves working as an IET Master Instructor and connecting with the angelic realm because their offerings of love and compassion is the true healing power.
What is a Mystic?
What does it mean to be a mystic?
A mystic removes the barrier that stands between himself and another person by trying to look at life, not only from his own point of view, but also from the point of view of another.
A mystic is someone who seeks a personal experience with the divine rather than through a religion. One who is able to tap into the divine meanings and understandings of each and every happening in one’s life.
How Can One Become A Mystic?
To become a mystic, a person must first train their body and mind to think like a mystic though courses with a master teacher. Other mystic tips include:
- During your travel to and from work, practice a mantra to remove all obstacles. This can be done either coming or going and you may sing it out-loud or with your inner voice. click here for the “Om Ah Hum Meditation” Cd.
- During the day, practice wisdom and be mindful to eliminate ignorance which is fear, anger, jealousy, envy, judgement and laziness. Then, practice wisdom and be mindful to incorporate gentleness, compassion, understanding, strength and patience. Be joyful.
- Before bed time, draw yourself a peaceful salt bath, preform skin brushing and a neti pot. Additional techniques can be found in the Daily Practices Manual.
To further your life and understanding as a mystic, follow the guidance and teachings of our 16 CD Set (now on sale).
Learn the principles and techniques of living your life as a mystic. Experience intuitive understanding and realization of the meaning of existence, taught by mystical master teacher and elder of the Mescalero Apache Tradition.
How to Perform Oil Pulling with Benefits
For the past two years, we here at MSI Wellness Center have been teaching oil pulling in the Native American perspective. Oil pulling is a traditional folk remedy where oil is swished or held in the mouth. Literature states oil pulling is capable of improving oral and systemic health, including a benefit in many conditions and ailments both physical and emotional.
The Benefits of Oil Pulling:
- Extracts toxins and pathogens through the tongue.
- Through the process of mixing the saliva through the oil, oil pulling facilitates a baseline of dental and GI good health.
- Teaches us good self-care in the morning.
- Helps facilitate brighter teeth (make sure to brush with peroxide).
- For viruses and colds oil pulling helps facilitate a faster rate of healing. Stay tuned for a viral variation of oil-pulling!
- Balances the PH balance which our body needs to increase and maintain good health (Acid Alkaline Balance is needed to fight off cancers).
- Helps with cavities.
Guided Steps To Oil Pulling:
Step 1: Provide yourself at least 20 minutes in the morning.
Step 2: After meditation or some form of peaceful intention in the morning, use 1 tablespoon of organic coconut oil and swish but do not swallow.
Step 3: Swish. Thus the term pulling: as you swish in the teeth you are actually pulling toxins from your teeth but also from the GI tract through the membranes in the tongue. You can do this in the shower. As you swish, you set an intention for your body by mindfully using internal affirmations of releasing toxins harmoniously and gently for a period of 5-10 minutes.
Step 4: Expel it into a plastic bag. If you are spitting it out in the sink basin, spray the basin with a non-chemical cleaner to break down the oil.
Step 5: Use a toothpaste that has Myr Xylitol and peppermint and coQ 10 with Zinc and brush your teeth. Click here for some examples on Amazon.com
Step 6: Take a small cup of spring water and place 1-2 drops of liquid mineral –which you can purchase at your trusted Vitamin Shop. Trace Minerals reinforce strength in your gums.
Step 7: Set an intention for the day about joy, health and happiness.