What is Mercury Retrograde?
Valuable information to know during mercury retrograde
At several points throughout the year most of us will be bombarded with the chaotic effects of Mercury in retrograde. Mercury is a planet which governs all transportation and communication issues. Mercury is not an emotional planet, but rather a highly objective, truth-seeking one. It rules intelligence, education and truth. When it is in retrograde, some of its power is held back.
When Mercury starts turning in an apparent backward motion, we will start to feel the effects of this event days or even as far as two weeks earlier. When the planet normalizes we will see the tempo of events pick up in our lives as the planet becomes “stationary” and then speeds forward.
What happens when Mercury retrogrades?
- You miss appointments
- Your computer equipment crashes
- Checks get lost
- There will be countless delays, cancellations and postponements
But know these will benefit you in the long run. Don’t fight them, although your frustration level and feeling of restlessness will be hard to cope with at times.
All machinery and things with moving parts–such as
- Computers
- VCRs
- Camera equipment
- Garbage disposals, and so forth
Will reveal any weak links now. It is critical that you back up your data system and be more careful and vigilant than ever. Projects will demand more time and money than anticipated this month.
Why would the Universe give us Mercury retrograde?
Because to move forward it is sometimes necessary to backtrack and reconfigure our paths in life. It is important to reconsider, repair, reflect, and reconnect. Mercury forces us to slow down and fix what’s broken, and in so doing, rethink things. It also gives us time to get to projects we have put on the back-burner.
Some activities are lucky or actually improve when Mercury retrogrades. You are likely to bump into old friends that you haven’t seen in years. Adopted children tend to find their birth parents during Mercury retrograde periods, or people locate their long lost siblings. Prosecutors often find clues to crimes that had previously remained unsolved for years.
Stay strong, positive and stand in your power. Share smiles and laughter during times of retrograde and know that this is a time of learning and not punishment. Share this with friends and loved ones who are experiencing the effects of mercury in retrograde.
What is a Tuning Fork?
Like adjusting a piano, your body can be tuned to achieve optimal physical balance. Tapping tuning forks will instantaneously alter your body’s biochemistry and bring your nervous system, muscle tone and organs into harmonic balance. In seconds … your body enters a deep state of relaxation. Feeling centered, your mind will be at peace…
Experience states of deep relaxation in seconds, reduce stress instantaneously, increase blood flow, enhance immune response, fully integrate body & mind, and transcend to higher levels of consciousness.
Who uses Tuning forks?
Everyday people and practitioners in the Healing Arts are using tuning forks to positively alter the body’s biochemistry. Sound enhances the healing effects of all energy therapy practices.
Tuning Forks are most often used in the following methods:
- Polarity therapy
- Reiki
- Massage
- Sports rehabilitation
- Yoga
- Hypnosis
- Psychotherapy
- Meditation
- And anyone interested in alternative healing modalities and pain management.
You can use tuning forks and sound to experience deep levels of healing by bringing your body back to its fundamental pulse and by connecting you to your Authentic Life Rhythm.
Why are so many people using our Tuning Forks?
- Provides instantaneous, deep state of relaxation
- Improves mental clarity and brain functioning
- Increases your level of physical energy and mental concentration
- Relieves stress by drawing your body into a centered space
- Develops and refines your sonic abilities
- Enhances massage, acupressure, dreamwork and meditation
- Brings your nervous system into balance
- Integrates left and right brain thought patterns
- Specially tuned to sacred proportions, you sit inside the space bringing two different sounds together making them one—and you feel unified, at peace, re-igniting the passion and power deep inside you. When you tap the tuning forks, you awaken the life energy of your cells and start them puffing, creating a centered, happy feeling inside.
5 Unique Techniques for Space Clearing
Space Clearing can be easy and enjoyable.
In Feng Shui, it is recommended to do a deep space clearing at least once a year. It is also recommended to do space clearing after an intensely negative event, such as a divorce, for example, or before moving into a house with negative energies (for example, a foreclosed house).
What is Space Clearing:
Space Clearing, or “house healing” is a ritual performed in a room, house, office or building to rid the space of negative energy or misfortune and create a place of blessings.
5 techniques for Space Clearing:
- Use oils. Combine the Oil of Oregano and Tansy (Flower Essence Only) in a bottle with a dropper. Make sure to clearly mark the container “for non – consumption”. Take a dropper filled with solution and empty down the drains, toilets, and related draining systems. Use a small amount of water to carry the solution down the drain.
- Have the right mindset. Do space clearing when you feel physically fit and healthy, emotionally centered, and mentally focused.
- Take time to attune to the space. Mentally announce yourself and radiate your intention. At the Center of the house, set your intention – radiate out divine light and ask that the divine light Purify and Preserve your home in this divine light for the life of the building. End with So Be It.
- Repair. As well as clearing clutter it is important to fix leaking faucets, replacing worn out mirrors, repair or replace old windows and doors.
- Cleanse. Take a salt bath and use lots of fresh air and sunlight for your home after the Space Clearing.
Messages from the Other Side
I’m in a different world but I can still speak to you…
This beautiful FREE class is filled with loving information from the energy world where heaven and earth meet. During class you will learn to understand the realm where divine helpers and our loved ones reside. This is an open to the public event – come bring your questions.
– Reincarnation is that the soul or spirit, after biological death, begins a new life in a new body that may be human, animal or spiritual depending on the moral quality of the previous life’s actions.
Some of the topics covered…
- The laws of human life, The return to birth, rebirth, reincarnation and emergence
- Bringing over past knowledge from other lifetimes
- Building expansive and beneficial existences – 7 spiritual samskaras of the mind
- Points of exit during the dying process
- The conditions during and after death, The relation of the dead to earth
- Additional topics will be added during this class
- The After Death Life – why do we die and where might we go
A Free Class about Reincarnation and Message from our Loved Ones. December 15 Sunday 10am – 12noon
Crystal Bowl Meditation Provides Healing
Healing and Meditation with Crystal Bowls
Here are some facts about crystal bowls:
- They help with insomnia, lowered pulse and heart rate, the effects of pain for relaxation, stress reduction.
- Many people use different crystal bowls relating to the note of a particular chakra.
- Sound meditation using crystal bowls can help enter into the meditative state more easily and stay in the meditative state being supported with the use of sound and the angelic tones of crystal bowls and voice.
- Crystal bowls can help support healing on all levels and for all ages. It releases blockages and helps purify your space.
- Crystal bowls are made from highly purified quartz powder which is fused together at high temperature. They are used to grow large single quartz crystals under highly controlled, clean conditions to make silicon chips and also for use in high temperature chemical processes where other containers would not stand the temperature.